Wednesday, June 13, 2012


If you ask me scallions' purpose in life is to be a baked potato's best, best friend. I insist upon scallions on nights when we have salad and a baked potato for supper. But they also lend such beautiful pungency to any simple meal with Asian flavors. One of my favorite weeknight leftover revival meals is quick fried brown rice with bok choy and scallions (which I do believe many of us have on hand at the moment). Here is goes: Left over, cold brown rice (You just cannot cannot cannot make fried rice with freshly cooked rice it will be slimy, gummy, starchy and just plain gross. The beauty of fried rice is that everything goes into one big wok-y type pot and comes out deliciously, steamy and fragrant in mere moments.), a bit of minced garlic and ginger, as much bok choy as you care to see on your plate torn into biggish pieces, a big bunch of scallions sliced on the diagonal, a tablespoon of brown sugar, sesame seeds, tamari, salt and oil with a high smoke point. Get everything prepped before starting and this goes fast. Heat the oil in the wok-y type pan until it is screaming hot and throw in the ginger garlic and scallions. Stir, stir, stir.  Let that go for about ten seconds. Stir, stir, stir. Throw in the sesame seeds give them about five seconds to toast. Stir, stir, stir. Add in the greens and allow to just wilt and become vibrantly green. Stir, stir, stir. Rice. Stir, stir, stir. Season to taste with salt and tamari. Stir, stir, stir. Serve, serve, serve.

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