Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Beets... garden gems

When my husband and I got married he insisted upon a roasted butternut squash risotto. I said I could not get married without a roasted beet salad on a bed of baby greens. That is just the kind of woman I am, recklessly eating hot pink beet salad in my wedding dress. My priorities are pretty obvious. Luckily my sweet husband loves me for it and he doesn't let anything come between him and a good meal either. We're a good fit. So after four years of wedded bliss we're still eating and loving roasted beets on salad. And my husband is what I call a "happy eater" which was great when I wanted him to try grilled beets and red cabbage with walnuts, feta and sweet and sour dressing. It only sounds complicated and I actually made this inside on miserably, cold drizzly night on a stove top grill pan. Slice the washed beets about a quarter inch thick, toss with a tiny little dribble of olive oil and set aside. Slice a head of red cabbage through the middle and oil the cut sides. Get the grill pan nice and hot and lay on the veggies. Should it arise, resist the urge to poke and prod them so that they can char and caramelize properly. Toast some walnuts in a dry skillet until fragrant, crumble a bit of feta and make up the dressing. Three tbs. walnut oil, two tbs. cider vinegar, big squeeze of honey, squeeze of Dijon mustard. Whisk. When the cabbage is nicely charred chop it roughly and toss with a bit of dressing. Lay over the beet slices, toasty nuts and cheese and finish with a bit more dressing. Delicious. It had been raining for days but after we ate this for supper the rain stopped. It was the salad. I'm sure of it. You'll see.

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