Wednesday, August 22, 2012

how fresh corn can save your life

If only  every summer were just a long strand of hot, sunshiny days filled with watermelon, tomatoes and butterflies. Certainly, some summers are. I've been lucky enough to stockpile a number of seemingly endless, easy summers. This has not been that summer. This has been the summer of the persistant chest cold, reoccurring strep throat, serious emotional growing pains from my three and a half year old (who has taken to standing outside the bathroom door while I shower banging endlessly and shouting like a tiny Stanley Kowalski "Mamaaaa Maaaaaaaamaaaaa!") Admittedly, this is a pregnancy summer and while it is wonderful quietly waiting, watching this new baby grow, a lot of time that could have been better spent hiking, swimming in the river and eating on the porch has been devoted to resting a puny Mama. Blue skied, beach tripping, golden Summer has unspooled without me. So it was a gift, a blessing in the purest form when silky, green husked ears of sweet golden and silver queen corn started arriving in our weekly CSA share. Even with my immune system on vacation I would not miss the opportunity to sit on the porch and shuck ear after perfectly squeaking fresh ear of corn with my little one while my husband mows the grass. I tried to soak up every minute of it. And when all that corn was shucked and brushed clean of its silk I carried it inside and roasted it. Spread the rows of blistered kernels with fresh goat cheese, squeezed over the juice of a lime and sprinkled it all with a dusting of spicy, smokey cayenne pepper. Summer had found me at last.  

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